

I have a hard time letting myself be lethargic. OK, see, there I go. I have a hard time letting myself rest and be idle because I view it as lethargy.

For the past five days I have been battling a cold, helplessly letting it run its course from my nose, to my throat, now to my chest. Geez let's hope it ends there instead of continuing the journey southward. This is a predictable and seemingly unavoidable pattern in my life: after a season of traveling and racing my bike I often catch some bummer virus once I settle down in the Fall.

Lauren had the same bug about a week before I did, though she managed to kick it in much less time. Why? She truly embraces the downtime... sure, it sucks to be sick and it sucks to feel miserable; but does napping all day, journaling, and catching up on corny soap-operas really seem that bad? To me, yes, though I don't condemn her for it. If anything I am jealous; even with the flu I pop my eyes open at six a.m. and start mentally arranging my day. Let's say I manage to lock myself in the house in an attempt to rest... well, the house needs cleaning and the clothes need washing and my bike needs maintenance. I am my own worst enemy, and my virus's best friend.

Fortunately the weather encourages me to rest. The past week has been dark and damp here in the "City of Trees", and the temperature low enough to entice me into sinking into a down comforter. Nonetheless I am still sick and still stir crazy.

That's all I've got for now. I am at the school studying for my first test of the year: Chapters one through five in ME 532: Fundamentals of Acoustics. Yay, wish me luck. I'm hepped up on cold medicine, coffee, and Brownie Bites and ready to go! Just kidding. Later.