
Two's Day

Back in the swing this week. I don't really feel like I am caught up on sleep yet, and there's a nagging little feeling in the back of my throat, threatening to morph into some nasty bug if I don't heed the warning.

Lauren and I had a great evening last night. As she jokingly put it, "a solid afternoon and evening of pure Calvin time, no meetings or schoolwork or otherwise to pull me away." I went over to her place after my session with Ms. Stacey (counselor), and although Lauren didn't ask I sort of needed some mindless diversion to unwind from my 60 minutes of introspection. The session wasn't too revealing, just challenging in regards to my direction, priorities, and satisfaction. Still stewing on everything... I'll let you know if an epiphany hits me.

But yes, the evening went by splendidly. We decided to hit the transplanted Sun Valley coffee shop "Java", but were soon chased away by the truly poor selection of music blaring on the sound system. Being a Sun Valley-style java junction, you'd expect some decent music; anything other than cheesy late-eighties dance club favorites.... Pump up the Jam, Pump it Up. O---K.

Cooling coffee in hand, and bad electronic music looping through our brains, we skirted over to Barnes and Noble. I had a gift card burning a hole in my wallet since Christmas and Lauren was eager to dig for some literature regarding the Catholic Church's future direction. Ironic, and sad I suppose, that I spent the majority of the visit bobbing my head and sampling new bands, whilst she studied up on the future successors to the papal thrown. Her passion and concern for the situation is amazing, and I feel like a jerk for not deeply understanding the magnitude of the situation. Raised as a Baptist, I more thoroughly understand Pot-Luck Etiquette than ceremonial protocol.

For now I just cant' wait to get home. It's only 12:43pm, but I arose this morning over at Lauren's before seven and came straight down to the U. The lab I taught was boring today, biomechanics was even worse, and my Dynamics homework stopped me dead in my tracks. Not feeling too productive. That's it. I'm off. At least the weather is cooperating today. Commuting and riding in the rain gets old, thus the 45-degree and windy-but-dry climate makes me smile. ~~*~~