

I am… on vacation:
Tivo commander, GameBoy conqueror,
Hot beverage junky, Internet floozy,
Napmaster, novella peruser.

I am… grateful:
Gratis travel, fancy new shoes,
Borrowed time, southern-soul-submersion.
Knitting world inductee, amateur rummy athlete,
Appreciated cared for acclaimed respected admired

I am… satiated, ready:
Less humidity, broad culture,
Frosted windows, familiar grub,
(Damn) good espresso, open arms.
Local calls friends accessibility disclosure western mindset

I am a cornucopia of contradictory emotions.
I am content but concerned,
Confident but apprehensive,
Proud but awkward, embarrassed,
Resolved but vacillating.

I am secure yet wishing for change,
Assured of independence yet sensitive of paternal origin,
I am pensive but diverted.

I am a Hemmingway wannabe, a terrible lyricist, a klepto of literary material.
I am rambling
I am bored, done.

I am off like a prom dress.