
Le Bois? Nope

So let me put this in perspective: Boise has a squirrel infestation problem. In my backyard alone, there are six squirrels vying for residence in three trees. Instead of watching the morning news, Lauren and I have taken interest in observing Gladiator-like competitions, in which the squirrels hurl each other from atop full-grown oak and fir trees. Nothing complements good coffee like squirrel wrestling.

But I digress, the point is that these little buggers have no natural predator in Boise (aside from the aqua-tred-clad rims of Toyota 4-Runners). I'm not against the procreation of squirrels, mind you... but seeing three rodents simultaneously inverted in a single tree... dangling by their rear feet on the ends of the thinnest branches (like upside-down fur-clad Christmas ornaments)... one begins to wonder when the population flux will decrease. Boise is called the City of Trees, but if there are two squirrels per tree in Boise, perhaps it should be called the City of Squirrels. I don't know the French name for that... something like Le Squirre'?

Other news: the weather is terrible. I got all duded-up yesterday and went for a 2-hour bike ride in the rain. Yay! As I've stated before, however, the line between Tough-Guy and Sick-Guy is ever-so-thin, and unfortunately I crossed it yesterday. I had a great ride, but was soaked for too long and awoke with a sore throat this a.m. Paired with the time change, the weather at this time of the year in Boise (sorry, in Squirrelville) really tests one's resilience to depression: dark, gloomy skies and limited hours of sunlight. I suppose that everyone in the U.S. experiences this, but feeling exclusive lets me justify my rants and whining.

Such is life. I'm off to Vibrations, then to my MBA class, the hopefully to a solid night's sleep back at the pad. Thank goodness for the Grocery Outlet: 48 cough drops for $1.25. I'm working through 'em.