
random idea

We've all seen rally car driving in Europe, yes? Likely originating from a few good ol' (Euro) country boys betting a case of beer, these events are usually point-to-point and involve not only spry, sporty 4wd subarus, but everything from Semi trucks to motorhomes towing speedboats. Dig it. The objective is to set the fastest, blistering time while adhering to established rules.

So I'm warming up for a crit last weekend (more to come on that), and the idea of rally criteriums hits me. Freaking brilliant. Racing a crit, alone, is harrowing and challenging. But imagine the turn out and thrills if we started adding cargo and passengers to our two-wheeled transporters. Here's a few ideas for a sixty-minute crit:

Girlie-on-the-bars Class (GOT-B): Chosen girlfriend must be planted firmly atop the handlebars, at least one glute in contact with bars at all times. There could be different GOT-B classes, depending on girlfriend mass and geometry (i.e. weight and proportion). Style points are given depending on girlfriend's attire and facial expression. Girl is allowed to assist the rider by shifting weight, gears, and attitude at will.

Tot in Tote Class (TIT): Not necessarily your own tot, but someone's child (age six or less) in tow in one of those BOB child carriers. This again could be modified using a Trail-A-Bike apparatus for larger/older/more coordinated children. Style points are available, this time rewarded in direct correlation to your child's scream decibel.

Any other ideas? Let's turn this into an open forum and get the masses involved.

That's all for now. Stew on that idea for a while.

Oh, I won the crit, which is nice; but it would've meant more with Lauren on the handlebars, or with a five-year-old in tow.
