

The academic world is grossly out-of-step with the Christian calendar. Don't they know, the professors that is, that we're required to prepare well in advance of December 25th for the Christmas holiday? I just finished my finals today, which means I started frantically scribbling Christmas cards this evening.

Life is rolling along like a wet sponge; I'm getting too wound up about future employment. Too often I lie awake at night, waiting for sleep to descend; chasing thoughts about resumes, cover letters, interviews, networking, locations... Come on, I'm still six months from graduating, and probably nine months from relocation. The underlying anxiety permeates everything I touch, including my relationship with Lauren, and I am way too cranky way too often. Too, too, how many times is TOO many to use TOO?

Lauren and I head to the cabin next week for a three-day pre-Christmas vacation, a welcome respite before I journey to Elko and then south to Tucson for a couple weeks. The three days in the mountains will be the only full-on rest during this break, and I'm looking forward to sleeping late, eating well, and logging some epic snow-laden hikes. The last trip Lauren and I followed some elk tracks a few miles up a trail. In my non-Sacagawean knowledge I assumed we were a mere five minutes behind them, though the tracks were likely laid hours before our arrival. This time the snowscape should offer new opportunities to fake mountainman insight... are there bears in Idaho?

I am excited about Tucson, and the couch is reserved awaiting my arrival. A friend of mine calls the sport of cycling "a tall man in a midget circus", meaning it is the most outlying of sports in the public eye. The benefit to such a niche sport is that friendship ties run deep and thick; how else would I have a couch to occupy seven hundred miles away? During my training time I'll also be shooting cover letters to potential employers. Between pedaling my bike and peddling myself I will stay occupied. I'm also planning a day-trip into Mexico, which will be my first trip since I was in diapers (three years ago... just kidding, it's been a couple decades). My dad once bragged to me that he drug me across the border with him just to distract the border police; I like to embellish the story by imagining the dope actually hidden in my Huggies. Huggies? Smugglies?

The only things I'm bringing back are some fake Oakley sunglasses and a few gallons of local-brewed Tequila (which I've heard makes exceptional engine degreaser). I'm not pretty enough to warrant abduction, but I'll be certain to alert my caretakers before I cross the border so don't worry. I am planning to stick to English as much as possible, mostly to conduct my own experiment into how many people try to rip-off the dumb American tourist who can't speak Spanish. Should be fun.

And yes, I am really eager to spend Christmas with my family in Elko. My mom knows the correct colors, smells, and music to spiral my thoughts back 20-years to the fondest childhood memories I possess. Gifts mean nothing. The intangible family vibe hits you like an anvil in the chest the first time the Christmas tree lights flicker.