
Ya hace un ano

"Isn't it ironic that, now that you aren't bulimic and obsessing about your weight, you're the smallest and fittest you've ever been?"

- Lauren Dorsch, an observation of her pasty-white, partially-clothed and apparently fitter-than-hell boyfriend on Thursday evening.

So nice to be out of that cloud. That unconquerable haze of worry and preoccupation that tweaked my emotions for so long. I can not believe that it is dead and gone, but it is. Do I still think about food; still get frustrated when I don't eat a 100% perfect diet all the time? Am I a cyclist? A perfectionist? Yes, to all of the above. The difference now is perspective. I now have the ability to step back and see my overall progression, the ratio of forward to backward steps, and to use that perspective to halt my temporary back-slides with food.

It's been about a year. Ya hace un ano. There is no tilda key on this white-bread-American keyboard so perhaps I should write an-yo instead of ano. Good things are happening in every facet of my life, but I am especially jazzed about my athletic fitness. An analogy, courtesy of my counselor:

Look at dogs. Look at greyhounds, St. bernards, labradors, and dachshunds. Have you ever seen a labrador as skinny, as lean as a greyhound? If you did, would you think him healthy? What about a greyhound; have you seen a greyhound as large as a labrador? Would you think that greyhound was healthy?

Within each species, each race or body type, there is a certain degree of variation. A robust and athletic labrador may reach a certain level of fitness, but will never look like a greyhound. The point? I'm nearing the bottom end of my spectrum of labrador fitness, and while I may still occasionally view those vieslas and greyhounds with slight comtempt, I am optimizing myself to the best of my abilities. And I AM FREAKING STRONG.

This afternoon I head down to Antelope Island State Park, just north of Salt Lake City, for race number three of my season. Wish me luck and join me in celebrating good health and a balanced perspective in life. This is so cool. -Calvino

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